Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mama and Baby

It is a rare thing for me to have my picture taken, I just simply don't like most photos of myself.
I'm always coming up with excuses, vain as they may be. I haven't showered, my face is broken out, I have dark circles under my eyes....the list goes on.
A recent post over at the Knitty Gritty Homestead blog,
made me think about this picture business in a whole new light. It is important for my children to have pictures of themselves with me to look back in and treasure one day. When I think about the photos I treasure most of my childhood it's the ones with me and my mom together.
They are not studio portraits, just snapshots of a moment during everyday life.
One of my favorites was taken shortly before I turned four. I have band aids all over my knees and a lopsided ponytail. It was a hot summer day and my mom was 8 months pregnant with my little sister and most likely miserable from the heat and exhausted. She doesn't care for the picture because she remembers how she felt that day, and as most of us are guilty of doing, she sees all her flaws in that photo. But I don't. I see a beautiful, young, vibrant woman. I see her pretty jet black hair and think how good she looks for being pregnant on that heat. I see a mother who loves her children more than words can say.
30 years from now my kids aren't going to look at a photo and point out my bed head hair or that pimple on my forehead. 30 years from now when they see photos of us together I hope they will see a mother who adored them and instead of the dark circles, see the joy they brought to my eyes.

Magnus was talking to a Van Gogh painting on the wall this morning, Sunflowers. He either loves art or yellow!

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