Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Love those little boys!

It has been a hectic week or so here trying to figure out this big move in front of us, but a week where I keep becoming overwhelmed, not with all there is to do but with just how amazing my little boys are.

I got to spend some special one on one time with my Ivan the other day. I ran out of yarn for a project and asked him to come along with me to the craft store. Now the craft store is really not a place Ivan cares to go to, but he went along anyways. Little did he know that his mama is suffering from pregnancy brain and would drag him to not one, but four different craft stores (I also forgot my wallet and only had a few dollars I found in a pocket in my purse). He was so patient though and just happy to hold my hand while we went through aisle upon aisle of yarn. There were all sorts of little kid-crafty toys and treats in the stores and he asked if he could get one. Of course I had barely any money with me so I had to tell him no I couldn't afford to buy him a toy and get the yarn I needed. He was very graceful and understanding about my decline.

I was able to surprise him at the end of our shopping trip with a coloring book I found for a dollar. He was thrilled! The best part though had to be when we got in the car and he was looking at his new coloring book he said, " I can't wait to get home and share this with Erik". Love! It's times like these I feel like I'm doing alright with this mama thing :)

The rest of the week both the boys have been sick. They caught the nasty head cold I had last week. It has been lots of chicken soup and cuddling on the sofa. I hate when they are sick (but I do enjoy the extra cuddle time).

In other news the boys are going to spend the weekend with Auntie and then with Oma and Opa while the husband and I fly out to Milwaukee to try and find a place to rent to get us through the winter. I'm feeling really excited to see my new city for the first time and take this big step into making this move really happen! I still can't believe we will be moving in just over 2 weeks!

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